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927037 927043 927045 924056 927061 927063 927065 927301 927308 927310 A-86400227 AM103119 506909601 D38001 K1122-62282 K112262282 024273 027514100 02754100 03086600 1-5707 1390480 1410-4020 14104020 15707 160784 1704379 176386 121305X 925-3166 9253166 532193350 193350 7253166 740275 421062 48717 725-3166 532421062 121305X 539107523 246-8403 2468403

2 Prong Snap in Operator Presence Seat Switch (Normally Closed)

  • $12.95
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Seat Switch

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To: 

Snap in Style Switch 

Normally Closed - Means Current Is connected Or Turned on Until the Switch Is Activated.

When Activated The Current Is Disconnected Or Inactive

Item # SH250

927037 927043 927045 924056 927061 927063 927065 927301 927308 927310 A-86400227 AM103119 506909601 D38001 K1122-62282 K112262282 024273 027514100 02754100 03086600 1-5707 1390480 1410-4020 14104020 15707 160784 1704379 176386 121305X 925-3166 9253166 532193350 193350 7253166 740275 421062 48717 725-3166 532421062 121305X 539107523 B1AC71 AC71 33019 33-019 AM104403 D28041 GW-1761083 TCU37637 1-740275 121305X 1714770SM 1714770 1740275 1761083 430-690 430690 48717 50-690-69-01 246-8403 2468403

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