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Double-Locking Slide Rail Kit for KAB Seats

  • $119.95
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Slide Rail Kit for Cat, NH, CIH, IH, JD

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Kab Seats

Easily swap out the old Slide Rail Kit in your seat with this Kab Slide Rail Kit. Over time & with a lot of use, it is not uncommon for slides get bent and fail.

Black powder coat finish
Sold as a pair
Steel-constructed adjustable handle
Universal mounting pattern
Incremental slide rail adjustment
Kit includes a pair of slide rails, adjustment handle, and install hardware

Item # SH208

203416 411 515 525 554 525P 565 514 8362 8395 7912 8396 8465 6862 6866 8413 7919 8062 6864 6867 8061 6863 DQ62627 1892225 182A211B 1902135 74C22 9RJH185 9ROD186 1PBC18 382-1710 3821710 KAB

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