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8202 8165 7612 6554 6555 6848 6715 6740 6750 S8381.901 ACW1028600

Suspension Shock Adjustment Knob for Sears Seats

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Suspension Shock Adjustment Knob for Cat, NH, CIH, IH, JD

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Sears Seats

Easily swap out the old Knob in your seat suspension with this Shock Suspension Knob. Over time & with a lot of use, it is not uncommon for knobs to break or fail.

Black plastic knob
Made to provide long-lasting durability
Replaces worn out shock knob
Located on left-hand side of suspension
Kit includes screw and bushing for easy installation

Item # SH216

8165 7612 6554 6555 6848 6715 6740 6750 S8381.901 ACW1028600 SA10389 SA13630 S11535.901 55 60 65 70 75 80

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