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Tractor Seat Cushion fit Minneapolis Moline / Massey Ferguson

  • $109.95
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Gray Vinyl Tractor Seat Cushion with Wood Back for MF, MM

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Massey Ferguson 1080, 150, 165, 175, 178, 180, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285 w/o Cab, 50, 65, MF30, MF31, MF40B, Super 95

Minneapolis Moline Big (MO 400), Big (MO 500), Big (MO 600), G705, G706, G750 (2 Piece Bolted Down Seat), GVI, Jet (Star), Jet (Star 4), Jet (Star 4 Super), M5, M504, M602, M604, 504, 602, 604, 705, 706

Cushion is 16-1/2” wide, 13-1/2” deep, bolts on. 14”space between holes.

Item # SC523

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