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Tractor Seat Heavy Duty Mechanical Suspension

  • $609.95
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Seat Mechanical Suspension for JD, AC, IH, FD, NH, MF, IR, Cat, CIH

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Tractors, Implements, & Heavy Construction / Industrial equipment applications. 

This Heavy Duty Mechanical Suspension is a direct replacement for a low profile suspension to provide vibration reduction, and to improve comfort, performance and productivity in your ag or construction equipment, ensuring that you have the smoothest ride possible.

Heavy-duty mechanical suspension
Easy to operate controls
Wide base provides stability
4" suspension travel
8" maximum height
Durable suspension cover to keep components free of dirt and dust.

Please note some applications may require to drill new holes in existing mounting platform, or fabricate brackets to install this seat suspension.

This Seat Suspension will fit a lot of models of AGRICULTURAL, TURF, CONSTRUCTION, COMMERCIAL, and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT.

Item # MS207


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