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Tractor Seat Mechanical Suspension for Concentric

  • $348.95
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Mechanical Seat Suspension for JD, AC, IH, FD, NH, MF, IR, Cat, CIH

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Suspension Stroke 4" (100 mm) 

Height Adjustment ( 0"- 2 - 3/8")

Operator Weight 110 - 265 lbs. 

Bolt Pattern (Top & Bottom) 10-5/8" width x 11-5/8" Length

Size 17" x 14" x 7"

Please note some applications may require to drill new holes in existing mounting platform, or fabricate brackets to install this seat suspension.

This Seat Suspension will fit a lot of models of AGRICULTURAL, TURF, CONSTRUCTION, COMMERCIAL, and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT.

Item # MS198

A-MSG95741BNC, SW09001, SLP910166409, MSG95741, MSG95741BNC, A-MSG95741BNC-AI, MSG95741-A, SD021596, ATL09, HEV599255, MSG95741GRC, A-MSG95741GRC, A-MSG95741GRC-AI, SLP78-33854T, SW09002, A-MSG95GS, A-MSG95GS-AI, 20804, 12142, WN-8078, WN8078, SEN10-0122, SEN100122, A-MA2C12, SLP78-74778T, A-MA2C12-AI A-SSM200 A-SSM200-AI SSM200-FBM SLP80-87288T

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