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8532 Grammer MSG85 8077 3234 124992 1249920 AT135982 113974 127808 9704956 8R-1617 71-2290 113974 423190A1 2695642 5594481 6650483 9958780 70272918 72193170 84093634 AM9704956 9704956

Weight Adjustment Spring Kit for Grammer MSG85

  • $129.95
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Weight Adjustment Spring Kit for Cat, NH, CIH, IH, JD

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Grammer Seat Suspension

Easily swap out the old Spring kit in your suspension with this Grammer Suspension Adjustment Spring Kit. Over time & with a lot of use, it is not uncommon for Suspension springs to crack and fail.

Heavy-duty springs
Made to provide long-lasting durability
Replaces worn out weight adjustment springs
Hardware included for easy installation

Please Note: For MSG85 Mechanical Suspension only

Item # SH181

Grammer MSG85 8077 3234 124992 1249920 AT135982 113974 127808 9704956 8R-1617 71-2290 113974 423190A1 2695642 5594481 6650483 9958780 70272918 72193170 84093634 AM9704956 9704956

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