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Mid Back Tractor Seat Assembly

  • $468.95
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Black Vinyl Seat Assembly

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Forklifts, commercial turf, construction equipment, ground service equipment, skid steers, specialty vehicles and utility tractors / vehicles.

Use this Seat Assembly as a high quality static seat where a suspension seat may not be required to ensure you are riding in maximum comfort on every type of terrain.

Heavy-duty fabric or vinyl covering
Cut and sew replaceable covers and foam
Ergonomical foam cushions to ensure operator comfort
Backrest recline for individual fit and comfort
Lumbar support to help prevent lower back pain (Standard on Fabric Seat)
Steel tubular frame for long-lasting durability

Bolt Pattern (W x L - 14.41" x 11.02")

Item # WS287

152 KAB T1 40/202800 40/202900 40 202800 40 202900

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